We recently had our first of 2 tramps in the Pouakai ranges of Taranaki. OR's class wasn't sure what to expect but they all seemed ready for anything (or so they thought).
Rhys ready with his fanny pack and trusty knife, Shane ready to go at it alone as the rest of his group ditched him, Chester all prepped with gear that he may or may not grow into, and Ngaire doing a good job of leaving her glasses behind.
The trip started off nice and chilled (nice pun) with gusty winds blowing stuff away, including Shane's chocolate bar to his disgust. We made our way down to our first bivvy spot relatively quickly.
Day 2 saw plenty of steps, so up we stepped to Henry peak then a quick bush bash mission down at Pouakai hut to earn a chocolatey treat.
They all set up their tents and bivvy's in the light wind. Then WHAM at about 3.30am the wind and rain came, and it stayed.
So a quick pack up in the morning (meant Bean couldn't have breakfast) and off we went to battle the HORRENDOUS weather. There was lots of shivering, some tears, bad words, and sketchy river crossing.
The class was amazing Callum and Shane were our stand out helpers when people needed to cross streams or climb cliffs, Bean was our Speedy man, Odette, Dannielle and Micaela were the only 3 to bivvy both nights, Rhy's was our trusty Bear Grylls with his fanny pack, we saw a bossy side of Chester (don't get on his bad side he'll waste you with some Lancewood jousting sticks), Hamish and Danny were a carabiner schemers, Jayden, Paul, Cam, and Ngaire were there too.
Here's some pics.
Rhys ready for anything! Bum flap and Fanny pack in check
Lets get warm
The boys Humble abode
I don't think much sleep was had
A lull between two peaks is a...
A bit of Nav
Happy faces?
What kind of tree grows in your hand? A palm tree
I think I can see where to go?
How does my hair look?
Im not small the marshmallows just big
A spot of snap
Must've been early on the last day, there are still smiles.