Thursday, May 30, 2013

Term 2 TAC climbing

Term 2 see's us mission around the central north island in search of New Zealand's finest crags.

This term our 9's, 11's, 12's and 13's are all hitting the wall.

Keep checking here for pictures and updates of the the climbing, including Conna climbing 2 whole metres, or Brooke falling 2 whole metres.

Junior Climbing evening

Sorry the blog updates have been a little thin. Mr Oliver's been having different kinds of adventures, still including sleepless nights smelly children.

We recently had our first ever Junior Only rock evening. We had 40 students climbing in both the clip and climb area and on the rock climbing area. Most students climbed hard and most students also had plenty of fast food.

Heres a few pics of the night

(also keep your ear out for the Senior Oto rock evening)